TVideoGrabber.AVIFormatOpenDMLCompatibilityIndex |
Specifies if the AVI 2.0 OpenDML file includes an AVI 1.0 index.
property AVIFormatOpenDMLCompatibilityIndex: Boolean read GetAVIFormatOpenDMLCompatibilityIndex write SetAVIFormatOpenDMLCompatibilityIndex default true;
__property bool AVIFormatOpenDMLCompatibilityIndex=read=GetAVIFormatOpenDMLCompatibilityIndex, write=SetAVIFormatOpenDMLCompatibilityIndex, default=1
Property AVIFormatOpenDMLCompatibilityIndex As Boolean
When AVIFormatOpenDML is enabled:
true : specifies that both an AVI 2.0 index format AND an AVI 1.0 index is included in the AVI 2.0 format (for Video for Windows compatibility, allows to get information about the video clip by displaying the file properties)
false: specifies that only an AVI 2.0 index is included.
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