TVideoGrabber.GetNearestVideoHeight |
Retrieves the nearest video height to a given video width and height.
function GetNearestVideoHeight(PreferredVideoWidth: LongInt; PreferredVideoHeight: LongInt): LongInt;
int __fastcall GetNearestVideoHeight(int PreferredVideoWidth, int PreferredVideoHeight)
Function GetNearestVideoHeight(PreferredVideoWidth As Long, PreferredVideoHeight As Long) As Long
Retrieves the nearest video height to a given video width and height, available on the current video capture device .
Unlike UseNearestVideoSize , this function simply request the nearest height available for the specified size, without selecting it on the current video capture device .
See Also
GetNearestVideoSize GetNearestVideoWidth GetVideoHeightFromIndex GetVideoSizeFromIndex GetVideoWidthFromIndex UseNearestVideoSize VideoFormat VideoFormatIndex VideoSize VideoSizeIndex VideoSizes VideoSizesCount
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