TVideoGrabber.GetVideoHeightFromIndex |
Retrieves the height of a video size in the VideoSizes list.
function GetVideoHeightFromIndex(VideoSizeIndex: LongInt): LongInt;
int __fastcall GetVideoHeightFromIndex(int VideoSizeIndex)
Function GetVideoHeightFromIndex(VideoSizeIndex As Long) As Long
Used to retrieve the Height of a video size in the VideoSizes list of the current video capture device .
The VideoSizeIndex parameter is the index of the size in the VideoSizes list.
Returns 0 is VideoSizeIndex is out of the 0..VideoSizesCount - 1 range.
See Also
GetNearestVideoHeight GetNearestVideoSize GetNearestVideoWidth GetVideoSizeFromIndex GetVideoWidthFromIndex UseNearestVideoSize VideoFormat VideoFormatIndex VideoSize VideoSizeIndex VideoSizes VideoSizesCount
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