TVideoGrabber.IPCameraURL |
Sets the URL of the IP Camera
property IPCameraURL: String read GetIPCameraURL write SetIPCameraURL
__property wchar_t *IPCameraURL==GetIPCameraURL, write=SetIPCameraURL
Property IPCameraURL as String
Used to specify the URL of the IP Camera when VideoSource = vs_IPCamera
E.g. for an Axis camera:
(x.x.x.x is the IP of the camera)
VideoGrabber.VideoSource = vs_IPCamera
VideoGrabber.IPCameraURL = "http://x.x.x.x/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=640x480
See Also
IR Cut Filter of Axis cameras TDiscoveryCallbackStatus TOnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification Video stream of IP camera with audio of PC microphone or other audio capture device ExtraDLLPath GetLastErrorMessage IsURLResponding IsURLVideoStreamAvailable OnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification ONVIF_GetStr ONVIF_SetStr ONVIFCancelDiscovery ONVIFDiscoverCameras_IPRange ONVIFDiscoverCameras_Multicast ONVIFEnumCamerasDiscovered OpenURLAsync OpenURLAsyncStatus SendIPCameraCommand SetIPCameraSetting
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