IR Cut Filter of Axis cameras
IR Cut Filter of Axis cameras
It is possible to control the IR Cut Filter of IP cameras through the Datastead RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/ONVIF DirectShow Source Filter v7.2.2.1 or newer, that must be installed first.
First start the preview of the Axis IP camera with the following sample code, e.g.:
VideoGrabber.VideoSource = vs_IPCamera
VideoGrabber.IPCameraURL = "rtsp://";
VideoGrabber.SetAuthentication (at_IPCamera, "root", "password");
then, once the preview is running:
- to set the IR Cut Filter state, invoke one of the following commands:
VideoGrabber.ONVIF_SetStr ("RTSP_Source_Axis_IrCutFilter_str", "enabled")
VideoGrabber.ONVIF_SetStr ("RTSP_Source_Axis_IrCutFilter_str", "disabled")
VideoGrabber.ONVIF_SetStr ("RTSP_Source_Axis_IrCutFilter_str", "auto")
- to retrieve the IR Cut Filter state, invoke:
function VideoGrabber.ONVIF_GetStr ("RTSP_Source_Axis_IrCutFilter_str", Value) : Boolean
Value returns one of the following values: "enabled, "disabled", or "auto"
See Also
TDiscoveryCallbackStatus TOnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification TONVIFDeviceInfo Video stream of IP camera with audio of PC microphone or other audio capture device ExtraDLLPath GetLastErrorMessage IPCameraURL IsURLResponding IsURLVideoStreamAvailable OnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification ONVIF_GetStr ONVIF_SetStr ONVIFCancelDiscovery ONVIFDeviceInfo ONVIFDiscoverCameras_IPRange ONVIFDiscoverCameras_Multicast ONVIFEnumCamerasDiscovered ONVIFPTZGetLimits ONVIFPTZGetPosition ONVIFPTZPreset ONVIFPTZSendAuxiliaryCommand ONVIFPTZSetPosition ONVIFPTZStartMove ONVIFPTZStopMove ONVIFSnapShot OpenURLAsync OpenURLAsyncStatus SendIPCameraCommand SetIPCameraSetting
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