TVideoGrabber.SendImageToVideoFromBitmaps2 |
Used to pass a pointer to the bitmap bits of the next image to pass to VideoFromJPEGsOrBitmaps
function SendImageToVideoFromBitmaps2 (pBtmapInfo: LongInt; pBitmapBits: LongInt; EndOfData: Boolean): Boolean;
bool __fastcall SendImageToVideoFromBitmaps2(Windows::PBitmapInfo pBtmapInfo, System::PByte pBitmapBits, bool EndOfData);
Function SendImageToVideoFromBitmaps2 (pBtmapInfo as Long, pBitmapBits as Long, EndOfData as Boolean) as Boolean
Passes the next image to VideoFromJPEGsOrBitmaps as a pointer to the bitmap bits of the next image, when building a clip from bitmaps.
Works the same way as SendImageToVideoFromBitmaps.
See Also
OnBitmapsLoadingProgress SendImageToVideoFromBitmaps VideoFromImages_BitmapsSortedBy VideoFromImages_RepeatIndefinitely VideoFromImages_SourceDirectory VideoFromImages_TemporaryFile
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