





Sets camera IP settings

function SetIPCameraSetting (Setting: TIPCameraSetting; Value: LongInt): Boolean;

bool __fastcall SetIPCameraSetting(TIPCameraSetting Setting, int Value);

function SetIPCameraSetting (Setting as TxIPCameraSetting, Value as Long) as Bool


Used to ajdust IP camera settings

The setting property accepts the following settings:

Specifies the connection timeout (when connecting to the IP camera) expressed in milliseconds.
Default value: 10000 (= 10 seconds)
Minimum value: 500 (0.5 second). 
If the value is too low you may experience connection failure problems.

E.g. SetIPCameraSetting (ips_ConnectionTimeOut, 5000) sets a connection timeout of 5 seconds

Specifies the receive timeout (after the camera preview or recording started) to the IP camera expressed in milliseconds.
Default value: 5000 (= 5 seconds)
Minimum value: 500 (0.5 second). 
If the value is too low you may experience unexpected disconnection problems.

E.g. SetIPCameraSetting (ips_ReceiveTimeOut, 1000) sets a receive timeout of 1 second

See Also
IR Cut Filter of Axis cameras TDiscoveryCallbackStatus TOnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification Video stream of IP camera with audio of PC microphone or other audio capture device ExtraDLLPath GetLastErrorMessage IPCameraURL IsURLResponding IsURLVideoStreamAvailable OnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification ONVIF_GetStr ONVIF_SetStr ONVIFCancelDiscovery ONVIFDiscoverCameras_IPRange ONVIFDiscoverCameras_Multicast ONVIFEnumCamerasDiscovered OpenURLAsync OpenURLAsyncStatus SendIPCameraCommand

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