Aero type
TAero=(ae_Default, ae_AutoBestRenderingQuality, ae_ForceOnWhenStartingVideo, ae_ForceOffWhenStartingVideo, ae_ForceOnImmediately, ae_ForceOffImmediately);
enum TAero ae_Default, ae_AutoBestRenderingQuality, ae_ForceOnWhenStartingVideo, ae_ForceOffWhenStartingVideo, ae_ForceOnImmediately, ae_ForceOffImmediately ;
Type of the Aero property
ae_Default: does nothing
ae_AutoBestRenderingQuality: automatically disable Aero if required for the best video quality
ae_ForceOnWhenStartingVideo: re-enable aero (if disabled) when starting the video
ae_ForceOffWhenStartingVideo: disable aero (if enabled) when starting the video
ae_ForceOnImmediately: re-enable aero immediately
ae_ForceOffImmediately: disable aero immediately
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