TVideoGrabber.VideoDevice |
Selects the current video capture device.
property VideoDevice: LongInt read GetVideoDevice write SetVideoDevice default DEF_VideoDevice;
__property int VideoDevice=read=GetVideoDevice, write=SetVideoDevice, default=0
Property VideoDevice As Long
Used to select the current video capture device. This property is an index in the VideoDevices list.
When a new value is assigned to this property, the related device-dependent values are loaded from the registry and the OnVideoDeviceSelected event occurs.
It is possible to select the video capture device programmatically by its name (as it appears in the VideoDevices list) by using the FindIndexInListByName function, e.g.:
procedure TfrmMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
i: LongInt;
i := VideoGrabber.FindIndexInListByName (VideoGrabber.VideoDevices, 'Microsoft DV Camera and VCR - JVC GR DVL357EG Camcorder DV (WDM)', false, true);
if i > -1 then begin // if this Device exists...
VideoGrabber.VideoDevice := i;
See Also
WDM drivers AutoConnectRelatedPins CurrentFrameRate DeliveredFrames DroppedFrames FixFlickerOrBlackCapture IsDVDevice IsVideoControlAvailable IsVideoCrossbarAvailable IsVideoDeviceConnected IsWDMVideoDriver OnNoVideoDevices OnVideoDeviceSelected RefreshDevicesAndCompressorsLists ResetVideoDeviceSettings ShowDialog VideoDeviceIndex VideoDeviceIndexFromId VideoDeviceName VideoDevices VideoDevicesCount VideoDevicesId WebcamStillCaptureButton
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