TVideoGrabber.VideoFormat |
Index of the video format in the VideoFormats list
property VideoFormat: LongInt read GetVideoFormat write SetVideoFormat;
__property int VideoFormat==GetVideoFormat, write=SetVideoFormat, nodefault};
Property VideoFormat as Long
Used to select a video format in the VideoFormats list
See Video Sizes
The current video size index is not the same from a video capture device to the other. It is reloaded when the video capture device is selected by assigning the VideoDevice property.
- any control displaying this value should re-read it from the OnVideoDeviceSelected event (that occurs when the video device is selected)
- be sure that the video capture device has been selected (by assigning the VideoDevice property) before setting this property
See device-dependent properties
See Also
GetNearestVideoHeight GetNearestVideoSize GetNearestVideoWidth GetVideoHeightFromIndex GetVideoSizeFromIndex GetVideoWidthFromIndex UseNearestVideoSize VideoFormatIndex VideoSize VideoSizeIndex VideoSizes VideoSizesCount
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