TVideoGrabber.VideoSizeIndex |
Returns the index of a given audio intput in the VideoSizes list.
function VideoSizeIndex(Value: String): LongInt;
int __fastcall VideoSizeIndex(wchar_t *Value)
Function VideoSizeIndex(param1 As String) As Long
Used to retrieve the index of a given audio intput in the VideoSizes list.
The function accepts wild chars. E.g.:
VideoGrabber1.Videosize := VideosizeIndex ('720x576'); // selects the "720x576" video size.
VideoGrabber1.Videosize := VideosizeIndex ('720x*'); // selects the 1st video size that begins with "720x".
VideoGrabber1.Videosize := VideosizeIndex ('*720x*'); // selects the 1st video size that contains "720x".
See Also
GetNearestVideoHeight GetNearestVideoSize GetNearestVideoWidth GetVideoHeightFromIndex GetVideoSizeFromIndex GetVideoWidthFromIndex UseNearestVideoSize VideoFormat VideoFormatIndex VideoSize VideoSizes VideoSizesCount
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