Video stream of IP camera with audio of PC microphone or other audio capture device




Video stream of IP camera with audio of PC microphone or other audio capture device


Capturing the video stream of an IP camera along with the audio of the soundboard microphone, or another audio capture device

This is possible starting from the version 7.1.4 of the Datastead RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/ONVIF DirectShow Source filter with the following sample code (the specific lines of code are in bold):

VideoGrabber.VideoSource = vs_IPCamera

VideoGrabber.AudioDevice = VideoGrabber.AudioDeviceIndex (...) (*)

VideoGrabber.AudioSource = as_UseExternalAudio

// VideoGrabber.AudioDeviceRendering = true // if needed to render

VideoGrabber.AudioRecording = true

VideoGrabber.RecordingMethod = ...



(*) replace (...) by the name of the audio device as it appears in the "audio devices" list of MainDemo.exe (the VideoGrabber.AudioDevice index is in the 0..n-1 range)

See Also
IR Cut Filter of Axis cameras TDiscoveryCallbackStatus TOnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification ExtraDLLPath GetLastErrorMessage IPCameraURL IsURLResponding IsURLVideoStreamAvailable OnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification ONVIF_GetStr ONVIF_SetStr ONVIFCancelDiscovery ONVIFDiscoverCameras_IPRange ONVIFDiscoverCameras_Multicast ONVIFEnumCamerasDiscovered OpenURLAsync OpenURLAsyncStatus SendIPCameraCommand SetIPCameraSetting

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