TVideoGrabber.v360_MasterAngle |
360° video: specifies the master angle
property v360_MasterAngle: Tv360_Angle read Getv360_MasterAngle write Setv360_MasterAngle default DEF_v360_MasterAngle;
__property Tv360_Angle v360_MasterAngle==Getv360_MasterAngle, write=Setv360_MasterAngle, default=1;
Specifies the Tv360_Angle angle (horizontal or vertical) from which is calculated automatically the opposite angle (vertical or horizontal) when the aspect ratio is not specified (when AspectRatioToUse = -1)
In other words, if v360_MasterAngle = v360_fov_Horizontal (which is the default), v360_fov_Vertical is calculated automatically according to the aspect ratio of the video clip.
Note: to control the aspect ratio yourself, set v360_AspectRatio with a value > 0.
E.g. for an aspect ratio of 2:1, set v360_AspectRatio = 0.5
See Also
v360_AddYawPitchRoll v360_AspectRatio v360_Enabled v360_GetAngle v360_GetYawPitchRoll v360_MouseAction v360_MouseActionPercent v360_ResetAnglesToDefault v360_SetAngle v360_SetInterpolation v360_SetProjection v360_SetStereoFormat v360_SetTranspose v360_SetYawPitchRoll
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