TVideoGrabber.IsURLResponding |
Returns true if the URL is alive
function IsURLResponding: Boolean;
bool __fastcall IsURLResponding(void);
Used to verify if the URL specified to IPCameraURL or VideoSource_FileOrURL without starting to decode the live stream.
See Also
IR Cut Filter of Axis cameras TDiscoveryCallbackStatus TOnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification Video stream of IP camera with audio of PC microphone or other audio capture device ExtraDLLPath GetLastErrorMessage IPCameraURL IsURLVideoStreamAvailable OnONVIFDiscoveryCompletedNotification ONVIF_GetStr ONVIF_SetStr ONVIFCancelDiscovery ONVIFDiscoverCameras_IPRange ONVIFDiscoverCameras_Multicast ONVIFEnumCamerasDiscovered OpenURLAsync OpenURLAsyncStatus SendIPCameraCommand SetIPCameraSetting
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